Get Closer to God Devotions, Week 10: Mere Hope vs The Joy of the Lord

I wanted a Pontiac Fiero ever since it first came out in 1984. When I finally got one a couple of years ago, it looked cool, but it was not fun to drive. It wandered all over the road, vibrated horribly and wouldn’t brake straight, along with other issues. It also needed some body work. But I got a good deal on it and I saw potential in it. So I struggled to fix the 33 year old car and had to learn some new skills in the process. When I finally got it restored, it hugged the road so well that it made me smile.

This is kind of like when we become Christians. Everything seems cool at first, but like an old car that needs attention, if we don’t work on our walk with Christ and learn some new skills along the way, he will leave us alone and all we will be left with is a Sunday morning tradition and the hope of heaven. That kind of life is not fun to “drive.” I want more than that. How about you?

Some of the warning lights of our faith are: increasing anxiety, depression, and a lack of love toward others. Just as our cars need regular maintenance to run at their best, we need to regularly practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer and worship while referring to our shop manuals for guidance, our Bibles. We also need to give our souls a rest at the service station of our quiet times, where we can fill up our tanks with the Holy Spirit.

There are two types of drivers. Some just want to get from point A to point B. Their cars are simple appliances that don’t require much maintenance. They’re not fun to drive, but they don’t care. And there are those that enjoy the drive, have a special connection with their cars, know them inside and out and keep them running right. They spend time and money installing modifications to boost performance, but they don’t mind because they get rewarded with a car that is a blast to drive. There are Christians like that, too. Those who don’t pay that much attention to God but just need him to chauffeur them to their destination, which is heaven. And those who enjoy their close connection with God, know him well, and do what it takes to live right in his sight. Those are the ones who enjoy the journey as well as the destination!

The joy of the LORD is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10).

About Rob Beaird

Christ follower, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, retired Technology Services Engineer for Ricoh-USA.
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